How to Optimize Your PDFs for SEO

PDFs are a clever asset to use as lead and link magnets. One of the smartest link building tactics I’ve seen was a downloadable product buying guide for luggage with an internal link to the product

4 Ways to Buy YouTube Subscribers (And Whether You Should)

There are over 2 billion logged-in monthly users…

That’s YouTube’s enormous reach.

In fact, over half the US population in EVERY age bracket watch videos on YouTube.

Top Performing Digital Marketing Channels For Small Businesses

As a small business owner, there are dozens of different digital marketing channels to choose from, to promote your business online. But only a handful will be effective and end up driving real measurable results.

You might even

Google Ads to Start Hiding Some Search Query Data via @SusanEDub

Google has quietly slipped an update into their Search Term report data explanations. A vague warning is appearing in the account alerts section:

Clicking on the “Learn More” takes the user to the existing Google support article about

How Your Brand Can Earn Media Coverage on NBC News, USA Today, CNBC, and More

As you might imagine, it’s not easy to get your brand name mentioned in top media outlets.

But if you put in the work to engage in content marketing + digital PR, the benefits are massive:

7 Boring SEO Tasks You Can Automate to Save One Day Per Week

An SEO expert’s day is filled with a plentitude of activities to rank well on Google, starting with taking care of basic content quality to backlinks, site structure, mobile user experience, and other technical features.

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