Does SEO Really Work?

If you own a website and you want to gain traffic and engagement, you’ve probably come across the term Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is a digital marketing tool used to increase a site’s ranking in search engine results. The process involves a lot of techniques in the hopes of getting a website ranked on Google’s first pages. But with search engines constantly changing their algorithms, it’s hard to keep up with SEO techniques that work. So the question is, does it really work? Let’s find out.

SEO Explained

Search Engine Optimization is a set of activities designed to increase a website’s ranking in search engines like Google or Bing. These techniques include optimizing keywords in web content, making a site mobile-friendly, and building high-quality links.

Search engines use a sophisticated algorithm to determine search results when people are searching for a particular set of keywords. SEO aims to work along the parameters of these algorithms to rank a site highly. But here’s the thing. These algorithms change regularly, so what might work at one point, might no longer work. This is where the dilemma comes in.

Importance of SEO

According to a study by Infront Webworks, Google result’s first page receives 95% of online traffic. The following pages receive 5% less traffic subsequently. Imagine how many people do Google searches every day, and imagine how many people visit the websites listed on the first page results. Now, imagine if your site lands on that coveted first page. Your website will get massive hits, visits, and engagement. If your website is in e-Commerce, you’ll expect a massive increase in revenue. If your site has ads, you will earn a lot of money as well. This is the number one reason why SEO is essential.

But ranking isn’t everything. In fact, if you want to generate leads and sales, it shouldn’t be your priority. What you want should be the right kind of traffic with the target audience that will buy your products and services.

So, Does It Work?

SEO is not a straight road. Your SEO ranking will depend entirely on Google’s preferences. Basically, you’re at the mercy of search engine sites. Unless you know how to adapt, your SEO campaign won’t be successful. The bottom line is:

SEO works, but only if you keep up with the most current techniques and practices.

In short, in order for SEO to work successfully, you will need to keep up and be constantly prepared to adapt and evolve as search engines do. However, there are still fundamentals of SEO that will (ideally) always work. Creating high-quality, well-researched content, building reputable backlinks, and social media engagement are only a few things you can do to stay on top of the game.

How long will it take?

This is a tough question to answer. SEO is no exact science, and its success depends on a variety of things. This is not exactly an encouraging answer. Nevertheless, how long it will take for an SEO campaign depends on the amount of time, effort, and resources that you are willing to give. Your success will also depend on whether you are engaging in the right SEO practices. It also takes substantial knowledge and more often than not, at the expense of mistakes. The key is never to stop.

A successful SEO campaign doesn’t just end. After establishing your site in a rank you are satisfied in, you would need to monitor it regularly, keep creating high quality content, and be on the lookout for current SEO practices to be able to stay in that position. Whether you are using the services of an SEO firm or working on your own, the truth is that this game doesn’t stop. SEO is a process for the long haul.